Wednesday, January 11, 2017

What have you learned?

Due January 20th

  • TOPIC: Now What? Consider the Future
  • This post should be two-fold. We want you to initially address all that you have learned. Think about the project in a cumulative sense…
    • What knowledge have you gained?
    • How has the project affected you?
    • How have you been inspired personally, professionally, and/ or educationally through this experience?
    • How are you a “mini-master” of your topic?

Monday, December 12, 2016

Real Life Connections

·         TOPIC: Real-Life Moments

·         In this post, please document your “real-life moment(s).” Did you meet with an expert, visit a location, or engage in a hands-on experience? Please include what you did, how it went, what you learned, and if it either altered or solidified your perspective/ expectations.

     Due January 3

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November Book Post

  • TOPIC: Continued Discovery & Learning in Regards to your independent reading.
  • Consider the memoir, biography, auto-biography you are reading. What are you learning from this person and their story? What impresses you? What do you admire? What struggles did he/ she encounter and (possibly) overcome? What was their process like? What is your take-away and how can you use his/ her story to inspire your own?
  • What were your 5 questions that you posed prior to reading your book?  What answers did you discover?
  • Please include the link to a book review that you read about your book.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Book Choice for November's Focus

Your focus for the month of November is to select an independent reading book which is related to your topic. 

Image result for picture of bookYour post should include the following:

  • A picture of your book
  • A statement explaining what the book is about and why you have selected it.
  • 5 questions that you hope to answer through your reading of this book.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

October Focus

BLOG 2: Initial Discoveries & Process

Due: October 31st

  • TOPIC: Analyzing your Articles
  • Where your first blog was very introspective, this one will be a bit more research-oriented and informative. However, DON’T ABANDON THE REFLECTION! Make us aware of what you read, but more importantly, let us know your reactions, thoughts and observations before, during, and after completing the research.
  • Think about it and answer this: What have you learned?
  • Please include links to your articles.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Senior 20 Blog Overview and Post for September

Why blog?

If you consider this project and look at its approach, you will find that we are more interested in the process than a final product. In fact, this entire project is the process that would lead you to a point of success, integration, and creation… the start of something personal and intriguing.

What better way to document one’s journey than in a blog? By using this forum you will be able to share what is happening in your own research and action as well as bear witness to the pursuits of your peers. As a class, you will be able to engage in dialogue that will provide suggestion, encouragement, and further understanding.

What should I focus on while I am writing these entries?

There are 5 blog entries for the semester. Collectively, they will be worth 50% of your midterm grade (the other 50% being your TED Talk). Each entry will also count as a homework grade. Therefore, we want to make sure you have a focus for each month; however we expect you to expand (in detail) about your findings, experiences, thoughts, and observations—bring your project to life.

Structural Requirements

Your blog entries should include the following:

  • Creative/ original titles for each entry
  • Pictures
  • The following are suggestions; you are not limited to any of these: links to audio/ videos associated with your topic and the process, related readings (tumblr, huffington post, The New York Times), pinterest boards, TED talks…) BE CREATIVE!
  • Entries should be clearly, but not necessarily formally written so that we can identify your personality and writing voice—enjoy yourself!



BLOG 1: The Pitch

Due: September 30th

  • TOPIC: What are you going to focus on and why?
  • Give us a glimpse into you as a person; what moves you; motivates you, interests you? Where do your passions lie? Knowing that you are going to be provided with designated time, resources, and teacher coaching, what do you want to pursue for your SENIOR 20 project? Were you torn between multiple ideas? Did you struggle coming up with an original concept?